1st International Congress of Cognitive Behavioral Coaching - ICC
Cluj , Cluj-Napoca.
Joi 12 Iunie 2014 08:00 - Duminică 15 Iunie 2014
No.1, Emmanuel de Martonne Street
Categorii: Conferinte si Seminarii
Numar min/max participanti: 100/500
We are pleased to invite you to attend the 1st International Congress of Cognitive Behavioral Coaching, which will take place in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, from 12th to 15th of June 2014.The 1st International Congress of Cognitive Behavioral Coaching promises to be a memorable event from a scientific, cultural and social perspective alike. The programme includes keynote addresses, roundtable discussions, panel debates, symposia, open papers, poster sessions, pre-congress and in-congress workshops covering a full range of cognitive-behavioral coaching applications at introductory, intermediate and advanced levels.
Keynote : Daniel David, Ph.D. – Multimodal and Integrative CBT: implications for the coaching field
Keynote : Windy Dryden, Ph.D. - Life coaching: a rational emotive behavioral approach
Keynote : Arthur Freeman, Ph.D. – Executive Prescriptive Coaching
Keynote : Tulio Scrimali, Ph.D.- Neuroscience Based Cognitive Behavioral Coaching
Keynote : Mehmet Sungur: Men and women in relationships: Similarities and differences (Are men really from Mars and women from Venus?)
Workshop: RET and Coaching: Rational Effectiveness Training Approach to Organizational Development
Workshop: Psychological Focus, Enhancement of One's Potential and Self-Calming: CBT Coaching strategies
Workshop: Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback as a powerful adjunct to Cognitive Behavioral Coaching
Workshop: Multimodal and Integrative CBT: applications of positive psychology in human development and optimization
Workshop: From Group Performance to Team Performance: Facilitating Optimal Organizational Success
Workshop: Cognitive-Behavioral Systems Approach in Couple and Sex Problems
Workshop: Cognitive Behavioural Coaching in One session
Mai multe detalii: http://www.iccbc2014.ro/
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