poze targul ofertelor extrascolare si atelierul fun science party

Targul Ofertelor Extrascolare si Atelierul Fun Science Party

Cluj , Floresti. Vineri 28 Mai 2010 10:00 - Duminică 30 Mai 2010
str. Avram Iancu nr. 492 - 500

Categorii: Petreceri , Targuri

Targul Ofertelor Extrascolare si Atelierul Fun Science Party

Polus Center Cluj va gazdui in acest weekend Targul Ofertelor Extrascolare, eveniment organizat de catre revista Trusa Pentru Parinti. Targul promoveaza activitatile sportive, culturale si recreative, oferindu-le copiilor si parintilor sansa de a discuta direct cu reprezentantii, profesorii si antrenorii diverselor cluburi de profil, prezente la eveniment. Mai mult, parintii si copiii vor putea apela la sfaturile unui consilier in alegerea activitatii extrascolare.
Cei mici nu se vor plictisi nici o secundă la Polus Center pentru ca atat sambata, cat si duminica, de la ora 12.00 echipa Fun Science le-a pregatit un program special care va incepe cu o sesiune de face-painting si modelaj de baloane. Copiii vor lua apoi parte la atelierul „Fun Science Party” unde, pe langa intalnirea cu Profesorul Trasnit, vor avea ocazia sa îsi creeze propriul puzzle si vor realiza cate un magnet de frigider si un coif de petrecere. Dupa toate aceste activitati cei mici vor fi recompensati cu face-painting si baloane modelate.

This weekend Polus Center Cluj will host the Extracurricular Offers Fair organized by the Parent`s Kit magazine. The fair advertises sporting, cultural and recreational activitie by offering the children and their parents, the chance to talk directly to the representatives, the professors and the coaches from different clubs, who will be present at the event. Furthermore, the parents and the children can seek advice from a counselor before choosing the extracurricular activity.
The little ones will not get a chance to get bored this weekend at Polus Center because both on Saturday and Sunday starting with 12.00 P.M. the team from Fun Science will be here for a special show that will start with a face-painting and balloning session. The children will then take part in the „Fun Science Party” workshop where, besides meeting the Nutty Professor they will get the chance to create their very own puzzle, a fridge magnet and a party hat. After all these activities the children will be rewarded with face painting and modelled ballons.

Mai multe detalii: http://www.poluscentercluj.ro

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Cuvinte cheie: Fun , Polus , cluj , targuri , Evenimente Floresti
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