poze  iures winter chaos

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ IURES / Winter Chaos ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Bucuresti , Bucuresti. Luni 31 Decembrie 2012 22:00
Ion Zalomit nr 6 LANGA CISMIGIU

Categorii: Cluburi si Discoteci , Muzica si Concerte , Petreceri

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ IURES / Winter Chaos ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Line up :


Started as a DJ in Bucharest in 1999 and as a producer in 2006 . The most recent label he signed with , is King Street from New York city . Prosix's influences are house , deep house and tech-house . "Always on the rise and permanently suprising his crowd with old tracks acapellas and grooves that will not give your feet rest " are a few words that can apply to this DJ .
More music less words he says ... so .. let's do that !

a few links that will tell you more about Prosix :



Caval George, cunoscut sub numele de Dj Caval
Un tanar producator si DJ din Bucuresti care se misca excelent in zona muzicii electronice. Anul 2010 reprezinta pentru Caval, inceputul unei colaborari cu BAROCCO club Bucuresti,care se dovedeste a fi de succes.
Proiectul reuseste sa ia o mare amploare intr-un timp foarte scurt ,el fiind solicitat si in alte cluburi ,datorita talentului, determinarii si pasiunii de care da dovada.
Urmeaza o serie de petreceri si concerte iar rezultatele muncii sale constante nu au intarziat sa apara. In decursul timpului ce a trecut, mixeaza alaturi de Livio & Roby, Push'n'Pull, Marcus Kraushaar, Fabio Giannelli, Siler & Dima, Optick, Adrian Eftimie, Raoul Russu, Mahony & BOg, Byby&Eddy, Balthazar, Jackrock, 2 Guys in da house, Alex, Kozin, Mauss, Rosario Internullo, Kool, Pagal, Mano, Posh, Negru si multi altii.
Muzica lui este solicitata si apreciata tot mai mult de un public tot mai larg.
Incercand sa mentina echilibrul intre un dj grozav si un producator talentat incearca sa intuiasca asteptarile publicului.
Creeaza hype si de o parte si de cealalata!! Este unul dintre DJ-ii care reuseste sa îsi faca publicul sa iubeasca muzica electronica, sa vina în club si sa aprecieze un act de calitate.



Razaar este unul dintre cei mai apreciati tineri DJ-i, un participant constant in cadrul petrecerilor underground bucurestene , de curand membru al agentiei Funky Business.

Cariera lui Razaar a inceput in Capitala, in 2009, un an mai tarziu bifand chiar un gig in strainatate, in Italia, acolo unde a mixat alaturi de cunoscutul Rio Padice. Ultima editie a premiilor Nights.ro a adus un rezultat exc
elent pentru Razaar - locul 7 in clasamentul celor mai buni DJ-i rezidenti - pentru activitatea desfasurata la Barocco Bar.



Passionate about music and dance, in the '80s and the '90s, he choose to be the one that illustrates all the sounds heard during the "electro-classical" period - a break-dancer, and an amateur DJ, taking into account the existing technique at that time.
For 5 years he transpose the word in movement, using abstract and repetitive gestures to the music of composers artists such as: Michael Nyman, Ravi Shankar, Dead Can Dance, Hans Zimmer, Loreen McKennitt, Chopin, Philip Glass, Schumann, Mozart, Jethro Tull, Klaus Schulze, Kraftwerk, during which he also accumulated a vast and varied culture.
An important step in developing and defining him as a club DJ has been working with Space Club, by being a resident DJ in 2001 and 2002.
Here he had the opportunity to mix with important DJs from the global electronic music scene.
There followed a series of parties in the most important clubs in Bucharest and across the country.
In 2005 he made his first steps in music production. In the same time he develops the “CROMOZOMI” project together with Miss DJ Mara.
Both the remixes for various artists and the personal productions are found in releases of labels like: Microtech Records / Dot One Records / LOK Records / Animation Records / Baile Music / Techzone Records / Vilena Records
All these productions were in the play-lists of DJs such as Loco Dice, Reboot, Tini, Davide Squillace, Someone Else, Pirupa, DJ Sneak, Marco Carola, Laurent Garnier, Monoroom, George G by Monochrome, Bobby Deep, Neuroxyde, Francesco Bonora, Dany Casarano, Guido Nemola, Manu - L, and Jose Maria Ramon.
Starting from the premise that nothing is new, everything repeats itself, he seeks to combine sounds in a sampler's own version of the classical, modern and traditional music.
The live sets are a true journey in music where you can find both present pieces but also a lot of old school pieces, songs that were defining in time for the development of electronic dance music.
Therefore he expects an open public eager to experience with the artist.

More here :





✪ Bar ✪


• Whisky - Ballentine's, Teachers
• Vodka – Stalinskaya
• Gin
• Tequila
• Rom
• Sampanie


• apa minerala / apa plata DORNA
• sucuri COLA, FANTA
• apa tonica
• energizant
• Suc natural mar/portocala


• Cuba Libre
• Long Island
• Caipiroska
• Gin Tonic
• Energy Vodka
• Energy Whiskey
• Vodka Orange/Apple


• Kamikaze
• DeepThroat

♨ Bufet ♨

Gustare rece platouri

• Tartine cu icre
• Tartine cu pasta ficatei
• Tartine cu sunca
• Branza telemea
• Chiftelute romanesti
• Bruschete
• Castravete
• Rosii
• Masline asortate

Gustare calda Chaffing Dish

• Pui Shanghai
• Frigarui porc
• Garnituri :
• Cartofi cu rozmarin
• Orez cu Legume
• Salata Varza asortata
• Specialitati Paine ( minichifle albe si secara)

• Dulciuri


☎ INFO & REZERVARI ☞ 0766.899.102 / 0784.341.464
« www.iures-fest.ro »

Mai multe detalii: http://www.iures-fest.ro

Pret bilet: 160 Lei

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Eveniment postat de organizator


Adaugat in urma cu 4232 zile, 25 Dec. 2012

Adaugat de dagy2012

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Evenimente Create: 4

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