poze movement meditation 5rhythms cluj meditatie prin miscare

Movement Meditation - 5Rhythms Cluj - Meditatie prin miscare

Cluj , Cluj-Napoca. Sâmbătă 1 Aprilie 2017 17:00 - Duminică 2 Aprilie 2017
str. Sergiu Celibidache nr. 8-12, cart. Zorilor

Categorii: Conferinte si Seminarii , Alte Evenimente

Numar min/max participanti: 10/0

Atelier 5Rhythms - un exercitiu de meditatie prin miscare, un dans al sufletului si al corpului, un mod de autodescoperire si autoexprimare.

For English please scroll below

" inseamna a-ti simti trupul din interior, a simti viata din acest corp si in felul acesta a ajunge sa afli ca esti mai mult decat forma exterioara. Dar acesta este numai inceputul unei calatorii interioare care va va duce din ce in ce mai departe, intr-o lume cu multa liniste si pace si in acelasi timp extrem de puternica si vibrand de viata." – Eckhart Tolle

Va invit sa participati alaturi de noi la un atelier certificat de 5Rhythms - un exercitiu de meditatie prin miscare, un dans al sufletului si al corpului, un mod de autodescoperire si autoexprimare.

Atelierul este condus de Peter Fejer, profesor certificat 5Rhthms, din Ungaria.

Participarea la atelier nu necesita nici un fel de cunostinte sau exercitiu prealabil, este nevoie doar de curiozitate si de dorinta de a experimenta.

Si... de ce sa veniti? Cei care au participat, ne-au impartasit:

"In loc sa reflectez asupra vietii, prin miscare am ajuns la experienta intima, interioara a vietii"

"Combinatia de miscare, respiratie si folosirea constienta a atentiei sunt fantastice. Pentru mine, aceste doua sesuni au fost eliberatoare, purificatoare, m-au ajutat sa simt legatura dintre starile mele emotionale si cele fizice. E pe undeva oarecum o terapie si un mod de autocunoastere."

"5Ritmuri este una dintre cele mai blande si in acelasi timp puternice practici meditative pe care o cunosc. Energia grupului, atentia in interior, joaca cu respiratia si corpul sunt eliberatoare. Cateva ore de dans ma plimba prin tot curcubeul de trairi interioare pe care pot sa il descopar explorandu-mi corpul. 5R nu se poate povesti in cuvinte, merita incercat, la fel cum orice experienta de deschidere si descoperire a sinelui merita incercata. O bucurie sa pot face asta in Brasov, alaturi de niste oameni monunati."

"De fiecare data cand deschid ochii la final, vad lumea diferit, ca si cum se mai adauga o nuanta la realitatea care parea atat de familiara. Este o practica foarte blanda si personala."

"M-am bucurat de corpul meu, in loc sa ma plang de marimea, forma, varsta sau limitele lui."


Sambata 1 aprilie 17:00 - 20:00
Duminica 2 aprilie 11:00 - 14:00

Pret cu plata prealabila in contul organizatorului:
80 RON pe zi sau
140 RON pentru ambele zile

Pret cu plata la sala
110 RON pe zi sau
190 RON pentru ambele zile

Locatie: va fi anuntata in curand.

Inscriere si informatii:
0724 312 825

Daca doriti sa participati, va rugam completati formularul:


" means to feel your body from inside, to feel the life in this body and this way to find out that you are more than the external form. But this is only the beginning of an inner journey that will lead you further and further, in a world with a lot of stillness and peace and at the same time extremely powerful and life vibrating." – Eckhart Tolle

We invite you to join us in a certified 5Rhythms workshop - a meditation exercise through movement, a dance of the soul and of the body, a new way towards self discovery and self expression.

The workshop is led by Péter Fejér certified 5Rhthms teacher, from Hungary.

The participation does not require any previous knowledge or practice, all you need is just curiosity and desire to experiment.

And... why to participate? The people who participated, have shared with us::

"Instead of reflecting about life, through movement I have reached the inner, intimate experience of life itself."

"The mix between the movement, the breathing and the conscious use of attention is fantastic. For me, these two sessions were liberating and purifying, they helped me feel the link between my emotional and physical states. It is kind of a therapy as well as a self discovery method."

"5Rhythms is one of the kindest and at the same time most powerful meditation practice I know of. The group energy, the attention inside, playing with the breath and the body are liberating. A few hours of dancing are a journey through the entire palette of inner states that I can discover by exploring my body. 5R cannot be told by using words. It deserves to be experienced, as much as any experience based on opening yourself and discovering yourself deserves a try."

"Every time I open my eyes at the end, I see the world differently, as if there is a new perspective of the reality I knew as so familiar. It is a very soft and personal practice."

"I enjoyed being in my body, instead of complaining about its size, shape, age or limits."


Saturday April 1st: 17:00 - 20:00
Sunday April 2nd: 11:00 - 14:00

Price with prior payment in the organizer's account:
80 RON per day or
140 RON for both days

Price if paying at the workshop:
110 RON per day or
190 RON for both days

Registration and information:
0724 312 825

If you want to participate, please fill in the form:

Mai multe detalii: https://www.5rhythms.com/workshops/MeditatieprinmiscareAtelierRhythmsCluj-9984

Pret bilet: 140 Lei

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Adaugat in urma cu 2681 zile, 25 Mar. 2017

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Evenimente Create: 12

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